Festa do Polbo da pedra en Xove
29 of March 2018 in Xove, Lugo, Spain. More information.
Gastronomic event about the octopus.
Peixe em Lisboa
5 to 15th of April 2018, in Lisbon, Portugal. http://www.peixemlisboa.com/
Major gastronomic event about seafood in Lisbon, including octopus.

IV Jornades Gastronòmiques del Polp y la Sépia
13 to 29th of April in Borriana, Castelló, Spain. More information
Gastronomic event about the octopus and cuttlefish.
IX Festa da Xiba
27 to 29th of April 2018 in Sada, A Coruña, Spain. More information.
Gastronomic event about the cuttlefish.
Octopus festival. Soto del Barco
28 and 29th of April 2018, in Soto del Barco, Asturias, Spain. More information
Gastronomic event about the octopus.
Festival do Polvo da Ericeira
10 to 22nd of May 2018, in Ericeira, Portugal. https://www.facebook.com/Festival-do-Polvo-Ericeira-1738268676450602/
Gastronomic event about octopus.

XXXI festa do choco
11 to 13nd of May 2018, in Redondela, Pontevedra, Spain. More information.
Gastronomic event about the cuttlefish.
X Edição da Quinzena Gastronómica do Polvo
24th of May to 3rd of June 2018, in Lourinhã (Portugal). . More information and flyer.
Gastronomic event focused on the Octopus.

Vigo Seafest
5 to 8nd of July 2018, in Vigo, Pontevedra, Spain. https://www.vigoseafest.com
Event about Ocean Gastronomy – restaurants, showcookings, activities and concerts.

Festa do Polbo de Mugardos
14 to 22th of July 2018 in Mugardos, A Coruña, Spain. More information and official website.
Gastronomic event about the octopus.
Feira do Mar
15 to 16th of July 2018, in Sines, Portugal. More information.
Event about the Ocean Economy – projects, products and activities.

Octopus Week
7 to 16th of September, in Quarteira, Portugal.
Major gastronomic event about Octopus – restaurants, showcooking, conferences, activities